Bonus - Dummy (2020)

After being discarded by her original owner, a spoiled, jealous, and manipulative sex doll named Barbara convinces aspiring writer Cody, the only one able to hear her speak, to take her home so she can help cure Cody's writers block. 

Anna Kendrick, Meredith Hagner, and Donal Logue 

Comedy, Fantasy 

April 20, 2020 - Quibi 

I got to admit that it took me a bit to get into this, but it won me over in the end. Though the CGI face on the sex doll creeped me the hell out. I also had to google everyone involved cause once I heard Dan Harmon's name I was like is this a loving jab or something more. Turns out a loving jab as it was written and created by Dan Harmon's real life partner Cody Heller. She based this story on finding out her boyfriend had a sex doll. 

How to explain this movie. Let's see, um, basically Anna Kendrick's character Cody discovers her boyfriend's sex doll and it starts talking to her and they go on a crazy adventure. On Quibi this is broken into ten episodes, total running time is like seventy one minutes so it's supper quick to watch in one sitting. The longest installment is like nine minutes. Oh Quibi, sigh. It's pretty enjoyable for the most part, could've lived without the side stuff with the fourteen year old kid which was borderline creepy. I know it was done in jest, but nah. Anna Kendrick is goofy fun. Major credit for doing all that acting alongside a dummy. Meredith Hagner gives a great voice performance as sex doll Barbara, she had the best delivery. Ugh that CGI face, it's gonna haunt me. I did laugh hysterically at the running gag with all of Cody's agents, everything that happened at the check out store, and the assholes falling outta the truck. Nuff said on the last one. Dummy is unique, and we're not getting stories like this very often or at all. Never feels super creepy or super icky outside of the jokes involving the teenager. Probably helped that it was directed by a woman, Tricia Brock. It's a little dirty, has crude language, so if you're not into raunchy talk or stuff like that I'd say pass it up. I had some minor issues with some plot stuff, but overall I liked the film. Plus at seventy one minutes why not check it out, it's breezy. 

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐½ 

Where to Watch: The Roku Channel 
