Jingle Bell Princess (2021)

Through a series of mishaps, sophisticated Princess Amelia is stranded in the small town of Tucker, Maine. There she becomes an "ordinary" guest of the unsuspecting Cutler family. 

Merritt Patterson, Trevor Donovan, Charlie Boyle, Marnie McPhail, Lindsay Owen Pierre, and Cherion Drakes 

Romance, Modern Fairytale 

December 4, 2021 - GAC Family 

🎄 2021 Christmas Binge Watch Movie #95 🎄 

I can't believe I kinda liked this movie. I mean it's bonkers, a princess from a made up country leaves her private plane in chase of jingle bell noises and ends up in the woods with a dog. Eventually they take off without her. Like I'm pretty sure that dog belonged to Santa. In today's world how do you just walk off a private plane on the runway at an airport no matter how small and not get stopped by security? Nobody is there to say hey lady maybe you shouldn't do that? So she spends a week in a strangers house falling in love with a dude who treats her like crap for at least three days. Damn them snow storms right? Merritt Patterson's accent was, um, like not terrible but not really trying either. It's something. Can't believe I sorta enjoyed this, it's surprising as there really was no chemistry between anyone. I like the fact that it's a princess when we normally get princes in these modern royal fairytale romances. I mean check your brain at the door and let it all go. Seriously. Oh, this was based on the novel 'His Jingle Bell Princess' by Barbara Dunlop. Never read it, don't know how faithful it is. Probably not much. 

My Rating: ⭐⭐½ 

Where to Watch: GAC Family 
