A Match Made at Christmas (2021)

Holly's lifelong dream was to fall in love with the perfect guy, so when she meets skeptical, Christmas-hater, Chris, she's not interested. That doesn't stop Great Aunt Lillian (who's never wrong) from "pairing" them together - in front of a crowd. 

Real feelings start to emerge for both Chris and Holly as their friends and family find ways to throw them together, but Holly’s mistakes and Chris' stubbornness drive a wedge that seems too overwhelming to overcome. But their time together will teach both Chris and Holly lessons about honesty, family, and love. 

Micah Lynn Hanson, Tim Llewellyn, Aubrey Shimek Davis, and Jared Hernandez 


November 1, 2021 

Christmas in July 2022 - Movie #8 🩱🏖🎄 

If I was in this movie I’d tell everyone to run off a steep cliff. Remember that movie were sheep bulldoze Sean Bean off a cliff, yeah just like that. And no, I ain’t buying a thousand dollar wedding dress to make amends. Why would I fall in love with a dude who keeps telling me I’m shit, and always has his mouth open with a surprise look on his face. It’s like he never knows where he is or what he’s doing. He acts like he was kidnapped and is being held hostage. This movie is just a lady constantly apologizing. Sure she’s flawed, but so is every character in this movie. The guy was the worst. A complete jackass. I just think I hate this movie. I’m definitely not in the right mood for it tonight. The acting wasn’t that bad, except from the lead guy. So dour. 

I couldn’t believe all the positive reviews for this movie. If you genuinely like this film it’s absolutely fine, like what you like no matter what anybody says. Of course I didn’t work on this movie like a lot of reviewers apparently. Obviously I didn’t like it, but thanks for your work because I know it’s hard work to make a movie. Sometimes you can be involved in something that everybody loves, or that everybody hates, or that a lot of people are just indifferent about. Again thanks for the work no matter how big or small a part you played, but I ain’t giving this movie five stars. 

My Rating: ⭐⭐ 

Where to Watch: Prime Video, Tubi, Dove Channel, Pluto TV, GAC Family 
