A Christmas Treasure (2021)

After opening a 100-year-old time capsule and meeting a charming chef, Lou questions whether or not she should movie to New York after Christmas and further her writing career. 

Jordin Sparks, Michael Xavier, Lossen Chambers, Daniel Bacon, Robyn Bradley, Nathan Witte, and Nelson Wong 

Drama, Romance 

November 7, 2021 - Hallmark Channel 

🎄 2021 Christmas Bing Watch Movie #14 🎄 

If you have a mystery going on with an item you found in a time capsule from a hundred years ago why would you forget about it till the last few moments of the movie to solve it? I feel like that plot was lost on all the scenes we watched with the blossoming lovebirds walking, talking, drinking coffee, eating, shopping, decorating a tree, and so on. Like they're dating and just don't know it. I'm fine with how that mysterious item played out, I just wish the movie payed more attention to it. They payed more attention to that one hundred year old cooking recipe. Solid cast, solid chemistry, Michael Xavier is sexy and charming, and we get to hear Jordin Sparks sing, but the rest is kinda bland. Despite my complaints, I was into this while watching. It's not a bad holiday romp, not at all. I loved all the family stuff, it's got it's cute moments, but it just didn't fully do it for me. 

Okay I'm going off topic but it sorta relates. Years ago my family and I stopped at a burger joint somewhere in Jersey where you can sit outside. I don't want to say where specifically. It was a nice day you know, sit out there with the baby and eat some fries. I've got my phone out taking a bunch of baby pictures, I'm oblivious. This lady gets out of a car, orders food, is super nice, signs autographs and takes pictures with the staff. There's a lot of giggling between everybody. It lasted all about ten minutes and then she was gone. After she leaves we ask our waitress who was that cause we old so we don't know. We all had baby brain at this point anyhow, everything we knew went out the door. So the waitress was like that was Jordin Sparks. We still didn't get it, she was like form American Idol. We all then collectively did the oh I get it nod. I was like wait, I've heard of her. It was pretty funny. It's still funny. It's like sometimes you can know someone from TV but you'd never recognize them in person. 

My Rating: ⭐⭐½ 

Where to Watch: Hallmark Channel 
