Next Stop, Christmas (2021)

Angie is determined to spend Christmas alone but her usual commuter ride turns into a Christmas train that drops her off in her home town in 2011. 

Lyndsy Fonseca, Chandler Massey, Lea Thompson, Christopher Lloyd, Eric Freeman, Paige Herschell, Erika Slezak, Matt Walton, and Nicholas Delany  

Comedy, Romance, Fantasy, Time Travel 

November 6, 2021 - Hallmark Channel 

🎄 2021 Christmas Binge Watch Movie #12 🎄 

Sure Lea Thompson and Christopher Lloyd are in another time traveling film together, and yes I know it was Back to the Future, but the real star is the legendary phenomenal six time Emmy Award winning soap opera legend that is one Erika Slezak. When I saw this eternal goddess on my screen I screamed in utter joy. Victoria Lord Gordon Riley Burke Riley Buchanan Buchanan Carpenter Davidson Banks and if One Life to Live was still on the air she'd have added another Buchanan to her name. Praise you soap gods that we get a chance to see this amazing actress again. Since One Life has been off the air I haven't seen in her much. A few soap connections up in here. With Days of Our Lives Will Horton, I mean Chandler Massey, and Young and the Restless' Colleen Carlton, I mean Lyndsy Fonseca, in lead roles. But I digress.  

This movie is bonkers. Like I know so many people who break down the time travel in time traveling stories, and good luck trying to figure this one out. It's a magic train, no more explanation needed. Does Angie retain her pre and post time traveling memories or what? It's not clear. It all could've been a dream, or she bought a magic ticket for a time traveling train. Who cares, this movie was so much fun. We don't get enough whimsically fantastical elements anymore in holiday TV movies. I embrace this whole heartedly. That's two years in a row Hallmark does a time traveling story, fingers crossed for another one next year. Angie has a pretty good life, but it could be better I guess. At least that's what the movie tells me. She's a successful surgeon in the big city, really doesn't have a personal life, and not super close to her family. While lamenting about the TV sports reporter she let slip through her fingers, Angie buys a strange looking golden ticket from a dude wearing an old fashioned train station uniform in an old fashion station booth she's never noticed before. Sure, nothing amiss here. Oh boy, and she's a doctor. Any who, she falls asleep on one train to only wake up on another. By the way time traveling train looked super comfy and nice. Here's the drill folks, she's getting a do over. Will she autonomically think that she's got to not let the sportscaster guy go, or maybe realize she's got bigger issues to redo? Or maybe notice things she'd never notice before? Folks you know she picks wrong, we wouldn't have a movie if she didn't. Shenanigans do follow. Lea Thompson plays Angie's supporting mom, Chandler Massey plays her BBF/potential love of a lifetime, and Christopher Lloyd pops in every once in awhile as the magic train conductor. The cast is solid, good chemistry between our potential couple. The movie looks pretty decent, in many ways it's a predictable story, but it's still charming and wacky enough to enjoy. I personally loved it. It was different and unique enough from what usually gives on Hallmark nowadays. Plus its fun. This is a TV movie with a budget, they don't really do anything splashy with the time travel, but I think it looks good enough for the most part. Though I won't lie, some special effects had me laughing because they are questionable, but those are few and far between. All is forgivable when I'm having a good time. There are two moments that I was like, oh no they didn't. Angie looks at a photo of her parents that is a promotional still from the movie and her mom is like that's us when we met for the very first time. So they have always looked this age I guess? And what a modern photograph. Then later on the mom puts on the same dress she wore when she first met her hubby like thirty years earlier and it's in pristine condition, and doesn't need any kind of alterations. She literally puts it on last minute. She looks exactly the same way as she did thirty years ago in that picture. So does the hubby. Same dress, same hairstyle, same makeup, same location, same everything. This movie didn't even bother. They took a set photo and shrugged their shoulders, like who's gonna notice right. A photograph of the characters from the end of the movie was used as a thirty year old photograph. They didn't even bother to do crappy photoshop. What? Like I said before, super fun movie. I have no regrets. 

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐½ 

Where to Watch: Hallmark Channel 
