A Cape Cod Christmas (2021)

When a children's author hosts one last Christmas dinner with her disagreeable siblings before they sell the family house, she reunites with her children sweetheart who helps her find a way to keep the home she loves so dearly. 

Katie Leclerc, Brent Bailey, Cindy Lentol, and Chris Owen 


December 2, 2021 - AMC+ 

🎄 2021 Christmas Binge Watch Movie #93 🎄 

---- Spoilery ---- 

Um, my first reaction is I don't like this movie. Like they were trying, but I fell like it's everywhere tonally. I can't help but think of the misadventures I had in Cape Cod once, but that's another story for another time. Back to this movie. There are so many montages just killing time. Montages of somebody starring out at something, way to many decorating montages, it's like come on guys what are you Rocky 4? (Rocky 4 rules though.) I feel like the music in this movie was that type of soft rock we listened to back in the early two thousands only at those indie cafes while sipping bad coffee and bobbing heads to bands that nobody ever heard of. Yup. Good grief the amount of coffee folks we're drinking in this movie, like a cup was in somebody's hand almost always. The minute this lady reunites with her childhood crush, it's like she's been waiting her entire life to hunch this one dude. Oh my gosh those silly flashbacks to them as children. Come on people. This lady’s family is the pits. Okay, so this lady is an accomplished children's author and she returns to her childhood home one last time before her family puts the house on the market. By the way they totally bully her into it. Completely understand booth parties but they are like who cares about your feelings you better sign those papers. Why does she constantly have to apologize to her family members that do not care one iota about anything that she feels or does. All they want is money in their pockets. Ugh this movie, it just wasn't for me. 

My Rating: ⭐⭐ 

Where to Watch: AMC+, IMDB TV, Tubi

