Royally Wrapped for Christmas (2021)

Lindsay Palmer, the NY director of an international charity organization, is called to the Kingdom of Veronia by the royal family who runs the foundation to interview for the job of overseeing the whole operation. As Lindsay is put through the interview process, she ends up finding true love with the prince. 

Jen Lilley, Brendan Fehr, Michael Hanrahan, Fiona Reid, Meher Pavri 

Romance, Modern Fairytale 

November 27, 2021 - GAC Family 

🎄 2021 Christmas Binge Watch Movie #58 🎄 

I love Jen Lilley, she's adorable, and I love me some royal tales, but man this movie is so hard to fully enjoy. If you can overcome the that fake accent and miscasting of Brendan Fehr then all the better. I mean his accent wasn't horrendous, let me not be an accent snob, he did a better job of it than some others, but he was way too stiff. All these royal movies are hard to believe anyhow, so suspending belief and enjoying the fairytale is a must. This one just felt a little flat for me. I liked everything with the charity, giving gifts to children and helping out people in need is always great. The surprise mystery twist I saw coming form a mile away. The romance, I mean they tried, there just wasn't any spark to it. Jen Lilley was working overtime to make this all work. It's not the worst thing you could watch, I just wish the romance had more spark. 

My Rating: ⭐⭐ 

Where to Watch: GAC Family, Peacock 
