A Christmas Miracle for Daisy (2021)

An interior designer is excited to begin a new project in her adopted hometown. Her enthusiasm is tested as she discovers that her clients are an ex-boyfriend and his daughter. 

Jill Wagner, Nick Bateman, Rubi Tupper, Tegan Moss, Andrew Francis, Joe Costa, Heather-Claire Nortey, and Terence Kelly 

Drama, Romance 

December 11, 2021 - GAC Family 

🎄 2021 Christmas Binge Watch Movie #77 🎄

---- Minor Spoilers ---- 

Based on the novel by Jane Porter. 

I love me some Jill Wagner, and the majority of the cast here, but this movie was a tad boring. Not bad, just a little dull. The chemistry was so so, and I didn't care if they ended up together. Daisy's wish was to get a new mom, but I don't feel like the movie focussed on that relationship at all. It was more about the exes rekindling their love than it was showing the two bonding. I guess that quick montage and one heart to heart talk was all we needed. This movie wanted to be a drama, but in reality it was just another holiday romance. Very basic and formulaic. Haven't read the novel, so I'm not sure how faithful of adaptation the movie is. It's so paint by numbers plot wise, not that there's anything wrong with that per se, and there was some levity to it all, but not enough to keep me fully engaged. In the end it just didn't do it for me. 

I do have one question though, did everyone in town believe that guy was legit Santa Claus? Clearly the dude who was playing Santa was actually the real Santa story wise. He's there to grant Daisy's miracle, and his name was Kris Kringles after all. Everyone in the movie only referred to him as Santa, and they treated him like he was legit Santa. Somebody says toss an elf and asks Santa if it's offensive to elves. Sorta a funny moment if it wasn't played so seriously. The kids believing in him I can see, but the adults only calling him Santa even when he's not working was a stretch. Did they think this dude was method acting all along or what? And they have serious conversations with him, like oh Santa this and that happened. Here's my life story Santa. What should I do Santa, I know we've only known each other for like a week. And another thing, this whole movie takes place in a weeks time. When the inevitable misunderstanding happens between our main couple they are like we've only been working together for a week. Unless I misheard, and my bad ear is acting up again, all that happened in a week. What? 

My Rating: ⭐⭐ 

Where to Watch; GAC Family, Peacock 
