Book Review - Amish Country Secret


Amish Country Secret by Lenora Worth (Amish Seasons #5) 

My rating: 2 ½ of 5 stars  

This murder witness is returning home… 
With a secret someone wants to bury. 

With a hit out on her life, Samantha Herndon escapes to the one place she knows she’ll be safe—her Amish grandmother’s empty home. But when a tornado flings her car into Micah King’s field, her plans for solitary refuge end. The Amish bachelor knows the Englischer is trouble, but he’s falling for her anyway. Can Micah keep Samantha alive…and convince her to stay? 

My Review: 
It took me a moment to get through this book, so much of it is absolutely unbelievable which is completely fine, but in the end I just didn't buy the romance at the center of it all. That's a major part of this story. It started well, Samantha running away from something dangerous, and getting caught up in a tornado and literally landing in Micah's field got my attention. Samantha then hiding out with the Amish, and the bad guys trying many a dastardly deed to get to her was some fast paced unbelievably entertaining moments. The whole drone flying over the field and shooting it up had me like 'are you serious', but in a good way. When the story focuses on just the growing bond between Samantha and Micah is when I got bored with it. Those moments I found stalled the story, when nothing dangerous was happening it just dragged. Actually if I'm being honest I found Micah to be dull, they're just wasn't much to him. Yes he was heroic, and obviously a caring person, but he seemed a tad underdeveloped. All that build up for the main bad guy, the tension of it all, and it kinda ended on a whimper.

Apparently this is the last book, the fifth, in the Amish Seasons series. I could tell because certain characters that were introduced got mini detailed introductions that felt like chunks were missing from their backstory and they never got back to it. Sure sign that these characters were the leads in other stories. That said this totally works fine as a stand alone, and I wasn't lost not having read any of the other books in the series. This is the first novel I ever read by Lenora Worth, and while this one didn't hit it out of the park for me, totally would read more from her.
