Christmas Déjà Vu (2021)

A Christmas angel grants a wish to a Christmas hater, to have her life as a singer. 

Amber Riley, Loretta Devine, Blue Kimble, Noah Ricketts, Tinashe Kaiese, Chantel Maurice, and Nic Reitz 

Drama, Alternate Reality 

November 25, 2021 - BET Network 

Christmas in July 2022 - Movie #11 🩱🏖🎄 

I thought this was gonna be a fun romp, this lady is gonna live this Christmas Day over and fun stuff will happen. No it will not. This is not a fun time. There’s some serious issues folks are dealing with, depression, alcoholism, just to name a few. An angel grants a wish for this lady to live the life she’s always wanted, and it’s not great people. The cast is really good, Loretta Devine shines, and the story is decent. It could’ve veered off into heavy handiness, but it didn’t. It’s very much akin to “It’s A Wonderful Life.” They're similar ideas, but not the same story. There’s heart to it, but man is it heavy. Not a bad watch, just go in knowing it’s a serious drama. 

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ 

Where to Watch: BET+ 
